

Difficult Praise:

A Conversation After Robert Pinsky's "In Praise of Difficult Poetry"




Our points of reference are Robert Pinsky's essay (April 23, 2007) in Slate: <>; and Stephen Burt's essay in The Believer 2.5 (2004): <>.


What's your view of/on 'difficulty'? Define Difficult.


What kind of statement does a "little anthology of poems about and exemplifying difficulty" really make, re: poetics and poetry? Difficult Chrestomathies.


See/hear Debora Petrina's "Dances" by Morton Feldman: Pinsky, Burt, and the Difficult Poetry Circus.





Catherine Daly

Halvard Johnson

Ruth Lepson

Tom W. Lewis

Thomas Savage

Gabrielle Welford




RECONFIGURATIONS: A Journal for Poetics & Poetry / Literature & Culture, Volume One, Contingency, Special Feature, "Difficult Praise: A Conversation After Robert Pinsky's 'In Praise of Difficult Poetry'"